Remember the villages

Dear travellers!
Welcome to our picturesque villages, where a delicious aroma of homemade bread still spreads from the houses, where nature’s greenness has no end, and where songs still brighten men’s hearts! We would like to invite you on a walk from the ancient Kunšperk to the charming avenue Klestje. Our walk begins in Bistrica ob Sotli, which is also the seat of the local municipality. The area, sculpted by two rivers – torrential and unforgiving Bistrica and at times swift, but also lazy, Sotla – offers numerous experiences, among them also the walk that you are just starting.

Where does the learning path lead?

Learning path Kunšperk-Klestje was established during the project, “Remember the villages,” showcasing the gems of the flatlands, where Obsotelje and Kozjansko meet, was conceptualised as an easy hiking trail, without significant climbs, and is therefore suitable for any hiker or visitor. The path offers various stops, worthy of a closer look. As we have already mentioned, it starts it meandering in Bistrica ob Sotli, approaches the wetland meadows, and takes us on a tour of discovery of the historically important settlement Kunšperk and the famous Kunšperška gora. All of a sudden, it turns into a narrow, mysterious canyon Zelenjak, stops at the Sotla meanders, teeming with life, and, after a walk among the flatland fields, reaches the avenue Klestje and the final, panoramic spot, where you will have an excellent view of the local sights. The path will take you across the landscape where Alpine and Pannonian worlds meet, which is included in one of the oldest protected natural park areas in Slovenia – Kozjanski Park and the area of Nature 2000.

How to orientate ourselves along the way?

Special signs mark individual stops, also describing the local natural or cultural and historical sights and features, like the most important local animal and plant species. Those of you that like electronic guides can access additional information with the help of QR codes located on every sign. Furthermore, we also provide printed maps of the path, which can help with the orientation. You can also visit our website,, where you will find descriptions from the signs along the path and additional descriptions of the path from the printed version that you are currently holding. You can take your time to browse the website in peace, before or after the walk, from the comfort of your sofa, during your stay in the surrounding area or in the nearby resort. Of course, these “accessories” only provide additional help, as these small villages are characterised by friendly and open people. For any further instructions and additional information, you may ask the locals working at the Municipality of Bistrica ob Sotli, where they know anything and everything regarding the local tourist offer, or the local experts in nearby bars.

Enjoy yourself!

You will be walking through nature, and even the curious and fans of traditional Slovenian landscape will find something for their tastes, but above all, you will be able to relax. This is your day, and you can spend it as you wish: some will spend it in a group of friends having fun, some will have some quality time with family and their youngest, and some will simply take a relaxing walk to gather their strength. Take a look around and take advantage of this visit, to a quite remote, but very beautiful part of Slovenia, by Bistrica and Sotla. Natural and cultural heritage offer something special for everybody.

Operacijo delno financira Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj. Operacija se izvaja v okviru Operativnega programa krepitve regionalnih razvojnih potencialov za obdobje 2007−2013 za obdobje 2012-2014, razvojne prioritete »Razvoj regij«; prednostne usmeritve »Regionalni razvojni programi«.